How to get traffic on new website by SEO.

Why More Website Traffic?

Every website owner wants to get traffic to their website. Because traffic is essential to website visibility on Google, provide a ranking of the website on the search Engine Result page. If your website has good traffic that's a chance to grow business, increase sales, boost ROI, and earn more money. Today Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the best ways to get more traffic on your website.

There are two types of traffic.

You can get two types of traffic on your website i.e.

  •          Organic  Traffic
  •            Paid Traffic

Organic Traffic:-

Organic traffic means visitors land on your website as a result of unpaid or by organic methods. The best and easy way to increase organic traffic on the website is to publish quality content on your blog regularly. Search engine optimization is one of the best ways to get organic traffic from search engines. To do SEO of your website & to get more traffic you can take the help of SEO service provider.

There are some techniques in Digital marketing to get organic traffic some of them are as flow:

Use social media.

 Social media is one of the best free way to get more traffic on your website.  Through Social media, you can connect with your target audience.  In social media, you can share your blog link, post, images, and video which is related to your product or services. Some example of social media like Face book, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and etc.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Most people know about SEO is a brilliant way to increase traffic on your website. SEO stands for Search engine optimization and it is the process of improving the visibility of the website and help to increase the quantity and quality of traffic on your website. It is an art to get a high ranking on search engines without any cost.  There are 2 types of SEO are:

  •       On-page SEO.
  •       Off-page SEO.

On-page SEO:  On page SEO factors include technical set up - the quality of code and visual content and user-friendliness of your website. ON site SEO best practice optimization of the web page to improve search engine ranking and earn organic traffic.

Some most important activity in on-page SEO.

1.       Consistently create quality content:

Write unique and quality content on your website to engage people. Actually, they want to read new or updated content. The visitor only depends on the quality of your content.

            2.  Title tag:

         The title tag exists in the head section of each and every web-page. Title tags are displayed on search engine results pages as a clickable heading. It also impacts on organic ranking.

3.    Meta Description:

A meta description is a summary of the content of the web page. Meta description displays on the search engine below the title tag.

            4.   Heading Tags:

There are different types of heading tags, including H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5 H6.  It is referred to be a good practice of including keyword in the H1 tag on the specific page. Using the heading tag visitor can easy to read your webpage content.

5.       Keywords:

Keyword or phrase plays a vital role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Keywords are different types like short tail keyword, Long tail keyword, and Generic keyword. You can use all these keywords in titles as well as page content.


Off-page SEO:   Basically Off-page SEO is a process of link building from another website. Some important techniques of link building which help to get traffic areas to flow:

  • Guest post on their site
  • Blog posting
  • Bookmarking
  • Business listing
  • Forum
  • Classified


Paid method

In the paid method, you paid money for the traffic to the service provider. It is a very fast way to get traffic. In the paid method, you pay money for per click or by the impression of your Ads Some paid services are as flow:

  • Search Engine Ad:

Search engine Ads are an extremely effective way to drive qualified and relevant traffic to your website from search engines. These ads are shown to the user when they are searching for products or services your business offers.

  • Social Media Advertising:

 If you want to generate traffic through social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and etc. You can create a campaign on social media

  • Retargeting:

 Re targeting ads means again show ad on website or social media feeds people who have already visited your site once, so more chance to return their people.




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