How to create unique social media videos in 2022

 Over the past decade, Social Media has grown to a level that no business marketing, no branding is done without it. Digital marketing has clouded almost every business and has helped them grow. Social media marketing, video marketing, SEO, and other such tools of digital marketing have given new life to the modern age marketing of brands and companies.

Videos are becoming insanely popular on social media. It is also proven the best way to communicate and pass on messages to the masses and get a customer reaction. In these years, people have spent a lot of time on Facebook and other social media videos, which has helped them create good relations with followers and customers. Instagram videos have increased 80% in the last decade and tend to increase every day. 

Brands nowadays are focusing more on social media to interact with their customers as most of the population spends hours using social media for knowledge and general scrolling through which they get to know about brands. Videos with links to a direct page are also gaining high popularity among teenagers as it saves their time going to the brand website and looking up the products. Video marketing has made marketing products easy and convenient.

To generate interest in the viewers and customers, brands should make trendy and interactive videos that easily pass on the message. To do so, they should follow these steps:


The first and the most basic step for making interactive videos for social media is ideation. Brands must determine what they want the video's concept to be and how they want the message to be delivered. Brainstorming for ideas should be the first step for brand owners, which can be done by-

1. Looking at competitors' blogs and videos and how they convey messages to their target audience. 

2. Look at what is trending in the market and what are people/ target audience most interested in. 

3. Search for videos that have high reach and engagement

Analytics plays an important role in making videos go viral and reach the right audience. To figure out what kind of videos bring the most interest from customers, you can go to Facebook or other social media handles and see which videos are performing the best and are stating the right message. Social media agencies keep a tab of all these figures and data so they can know what will work well for your brand and how you will ensure the message is conveyed.


After you have brainstormed on what should be the idea behind your video, which will inform customers about your products or brand, the second step is to plan. Planning is not only about what to shoot and how to shoot, but it involves a lot of other things.

This step includes:

- Planning where to post

Your first step about planning should be to know which social media platform to target and what is the target audience. Knowing where to post can affect your video size and duration of the video. Twitter does not allow long videos, while Facebook does.

- Planning the key message

After you have decided where to post, one can plan the key message where the video will end and what the customers will see. 

- Experiment with sound affects

Planning a video also includes planning the sound effects or music in the video. The story verse or any song will create an impact on viewers, and it should blend well with the video and the message. Sooner or later, this song will become your brand's identity, and thus, it should be a good one.

- Capture attention

A video should capture customers' attention, and it should be designed that way too. A video shouldn't be too fast or too slow and should carry the message nicely. If the video is fast, people will miss the message and will skip the video, but if the video is too slow, it will also bore the viewers. Planning on how the timing of the video should be and how the story should develop also comes under this step.


After you have brainstormed the idea, decided the target audience and target social media platforms, decided on the duration of the video, it's time to record the videos. Recording the video includes knowledge of angles and lighting. Too much light can make the video look ugly. Bad video angles can bore or irritate the viewers/customers. 

Thanks to advanced technology, you can now create short videos on your smartphones, keeping the quality unaffected. Smartphones even tell you the positioning of the camera and exposure so that you make high-quality videos.

Some steps to keep in mind while recording are:

1.Keep the smartphone or camera on a tripod- 

This will ensure that your hand or camera is not shaking and the video doesn't shake and look uneven at places. Using a tripod is a smart choice.

2.External lighting-

While shooting indoors, flash or external lighting is the best solution. It gives the video a clean look and exposure.

3.Use a microphone for better audio

While shooting on smartphones or cameras, because of the distance, the audio becomes unclear and also captures the disturbing outside noise, which can ruin the entire video. Thus, using a microphone will be a good idea.

4.Choose a nice background-

Viewers do not just focus on the characters or the music. A lot of attention also goes to the background; thus, choosing a nice background for the video is important. Clear, lain solid colors go a long way.


After recording the video comes the most important and difficult step- Editing. It involves a lot of patience and attention to detail. Editing involves trimming the video to the proper size, using the best shot, cropping the extra sides, color correcting, adding music, start and end of the video, adding text if required, and a lot more. 

Editing is like magic, and it can fix any mistake done while recording. There are many free and paid editing tools, and websites or apps available online which can help edit videos varying in size. Some apps also help make the video animated or 3D. These apps also vary based on the smartphone you are using. Some video editing apps are only for android, and some only for IOS.

After you are done with editing, the next and final step would be to share the video with the target audience through the targeted platforms. Social media marketing enhances the circulation of videos, thus increasing the reach and engagement of the videos made. Many social media marketing company target all the social media platforms so that the maximum number of people is reached, and the message is conveyed to every corner.

While sharing the final, make sure to add a proper title, a caption, and hashtags for the videos.

- Sharting, the video with the caption, will give your audience a basic idea of what they are stepping into and what will be the end result. You can also insert the link of products being used in the video so that the customers reach directly to your website when they click or take action. 

- Putting a title for the video will make customers know which brand it is and what is the key message.

- Hashtags also play an important role in bringing reach for analytics. 

If the video is being circulated through influencers, it's best to tag them and create a buzz with their name.

The final videos can be shared on websites, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter too. These video marketing strategies work best for many online businesses, but with the covid pandemic, these tactics have started working even for offline businesses. People all around, of all ages, use social media and learn many things through it. Thus targeting people on social media is not just smart but convenient and effective. Video marketing and social media marketing have proved to be fruitful for every small and big brand.

Moving along the world and following the latest trends of marketing can benefit brands in a way that they can target customers even from other countries. Social media marketing has the potential to attract customers from all across the world through video marketing or IGTV's which are trending. This tool of marketing drives business, ensures growth, good customer relations, and huge website traffic. In this time of increasing competition, the brands which are not making videos for their social media handles are not doing justice to themselves and will lack in gaining customers. Considering the choice of audience, this is the best way to interact with them and make relations, and so, it's the right time for brands to make the right choice.


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